
BlueMotionTechnology讓大眾汽車在省油減碳的趨勢上始終不落人後,其功能包含怠速自動熄火系統及煞車動能回收系統,讓汽車在每一個行駛的節奏上都達致節能 ...,BlueMotionisatradingnameforcertaincarmodelsfromtheVolkswagenGroup,emphasizinghigherfuelefficiency.Fueleconomy·BlueMotionstrategy,福斯最新開發的1.4TSI缸內直噴渦輪增壓引擎,結合首度運用於直列4缸引擎上的ACT汽缸暫歇技術,讓這具最大馬力輸出140匹的汽油...

Volkswagen Golf 7 Blue Motion Technology —— 都市強勁自走砲

Blue Motion Technology讓大眾汽車在省油減碳的趨勢上始終不落人後,其功能包含怠速自動熄火系統及煞車動能回收系統,讓汽車在每一個行駛的節奏上都達致節能 ...


BlueMotion is a trading name for certain car models from the Volkswagen Group, emphasizing higher fuel efficiency. Fuel economy · BlueMotion strategy


福斯最新開發的1.4 TSI缸內直噴渦輪增壓引擎,結合首度運用於直列4缸引擎上的ACT汽缸暫歇技術,讓這具最大馬力輸出140匹的汽油引擎,擁有媲美柴油引擎的 ...

節能運動俱備,Volkswagen Think Blue藍色享樂派對登臺 - U

2006 年日內瓦車展,Volkswagen 揭示了名為「BlueMotion」的集團計畫,透過象徵水與空氣的藍色調,以及不斷向前邁進的概念,運用不斷精進傳統內燃機引擎動力,以低耗能、高 ...

BlueMotion Technology


【車訊新聞】VW Think Blue藍色享樂科技,「行」的全面環保思考!

基於動力系統的優異基礎上,VW Blue Motion Technology更透過車身結構、輪胎搭配、空氣力學等其他面向,提升車輛的環保節能表現,於2009年德國法蘭克福車展上 ...

What is VW BlueMotion? Is it worth it?

BlueMotion refers to a series of technologies fitted to Volkswagen cars to improve fuel efficiency, and reduce emissions.

What is Volkswagen BlueMotion?

Volkswagen BlueMotion Technologies aimed to improve the fuel efficiency of VW models, but the tech varied from model to model. It'll depend on the exact model ...

What is VW BlueMotion & Will it Save me Money?

Volkswagen BlueMotion is a combination of technologies, designed to increase fuel economy and reduce emissions, which together are known as BlueMotion.